and then there was utah

Odd duck

I've been told I have an 'interesting taste' in literature.
love me some spin

I've been spinning for two years now and it's hard to find a good instructor. I finally found one in Provo and loved her! She was 50, maybe 60 yrs old and resembled, from what I could gather, a playboy bunny. Maybe I should clarify, a 60 year old women wearing what a playboy bunny would wear, but oh, how I love my Rhonda! Since then I've had hard times finding what Rhonda could do. The screaming in your face to push harder, to call you all the names in the book to get you mad to go harder, longer and to make you cry, yes really cry.
I recently found Brian, I like to call him Strong Brian. He's awesome! But his class is at night and I go to the gym before the sun even thinks about rising. So maybe both?
I do love spin, but since I don't feel really challenged since I've been doing it for so long (don't get me wrong sometimes I want to punch Brian in the throat during his isolations or hills) I've decided my next big goal is a triathlon. I thought I wanted to run a marathon, but my knees can't take it, so I tried running after my spin class and boy does that kick my butt! Since I'm making it public that a triathlon is my goal I feel even more obligated to prove to those non-believers.


To one of the coolest sisters I know! Totally amazing,

She's probably the hardest working person I know. She knows how to get her way and makes people melt in her hands. We're both really homesick since we are the ones away from the home and both still single (props to Sarah). She's wicked smart and I can't wait to see where she goes in life. She has ridiculously long arms, fingers and toes, she falls down a lot, so
metimes she plays dumb, and she thinks she has scoliosis. She deserves the best yet the best isn't good enough.
Love you jeffner!

Here's to the bro who turns sixteen
The raddest darn dude you ever have seen.
To the one who is funny, handsome & smart
And makes rad brotherin' an art.

ON DRIVING--don't follow our sister's footsteps i.e. drive like me
ON DATING--date a lot like Jennie, get married like Sarah and from me ... well that's another story, I'll take words from Hitch and say 'No game ... no girl' and you got game kid!
ON LIFE-- pray & trust in the Lord & don't let people push you around.
Hunter is truly one of the coolest guys I know, everybody knows it. He's admired by everybody, in the classroom, at home, on the field and at church! Funny as heck ... yet quite can't make the quote board, just kidding I think he made it up there once.I can't wait to see where he goes in sports and with school and the mish. True stud material fo' sho'! Love ya bro!


vienna waits for you…
This last weekend was spent in Utah, I forgot how much I like Utah. I loved the weather, missed the mountains, family & friends and enjoyed the familiarity. A big part of me wished a reason would arise for me to stay forever, but I soon found myself back in Henderson. I do like Nevada, but it’s not home. I’m reminded of the song Vienna, maybe even my theme song, and how it always seems to fit my every situation.